Яхта класса люкс, motor/sailer
Story: Altair is a 31 meter motorsailer luxury class yacht, built in Istanbul Turkey in 1992 meeting the standards of Lloyd rating and enrolled in Lloyd for about 15 years, after which date the enrollment was allowed to lapse.
She was built as a spacious passenger yacht with the purpose not only of a private pleasure yacht but also for Charter. In the book entitled "The Blue Cruise" which was published for the Turkish tourist industry Altair and its three sister yachts are described as "the best (blue cruise) yachts in Gocek", which was then, and still is, a mecca for expensive yachts of all types. I bought her for private use.

Altair measures 31 meters from stern to the end of the bowsprit. When I bought her, she needed a refit and was hauled up on land here in Fethiye for that purpose. It was found that the hull needed to be replaced. We did this with 6 1/2 cm tongue and groove grooved and fiberglass sealed mahogany planks. The masts and booms were found also to have some rot in them and they were replaced with much stronger and taller laminated pitch pine and mahogany modern construction masts, since from the outset I wanted Altair to be primarily used for sailing. The yacht was then re-rigged with new sails, new and stronger ropes and pulleys, and much heavier cable shrouds. Other things were also added to make her a first rate sailing yacht that can do 8 1/2 to 9 knots (with the dingy up) in a 25 knot wind. This kind of rigging and sailing is possible for a yacht weighing 95 tons, because she has an unusually deep and heavy keel - almost 3 meters. The deck is relatively new, made of high quality teak and is in perfect condition. We use Teak Wonder to keep it that way...
I also decided to upgrade many things on the yacht. First, we replaced the control panel with a new all electric high-tech lighted push-button master panel. We replaced the instrument panel with all new chrome and lighted instrumentation, in a new and artistically pleasing arrangement of dials and other controls, and set the whole panel in an imported Italian leather surround. We replaced the manual accelerator with an up-to-date electric one. We replaced the old VHF radio with a new one. There is also a weather print-out receiver. There is a walkie-talkie for communication with any part of the yacht. In a mahogany console cabinet on the starboard side of the aft deck there is another two lever electronic accelerator for open stern visibility and easy maneuvering when parking the yacht.

Altair has two Mercedes Benz marine 195 horsepower diesel engines. and two Oman generators - one 33 and one 20. These engines are highly efficient, and use practically no diesel at lower RPMs The engines needed cleaning and overhauling, and so did the generators, which we did; and they now function perfectly. We added mufflers to the engines and generators so that there is virtually no engine noise heard above board. We also added "gooseneck" exhaust pipes so that when the Altair is heeling in a stiff wind, no water can run into and damage the engines. We changed the filters on the water maker (120 liters/hour) and did a minor repair, so that now it runs perfectly. Then we upgraded the entire engine room with new insulation and paint and other features. Last year we cleaned and upgraded the waste water system, and supplied it with its own attractive wood cabinet, and an easy-to-read map of all the pipes and valves. All water and waste water pipes in the yacht are new, as are the corresponding storage and holding tanks
In the salons (there are not one but two) and kitchen we put in new flooring. In the aft salon, which is exclusively the owner's, we bought a new large-screen TV and connected it to a new high-tech outdoor satellite receiver. The sound system is operational in all the salons and cabins and also has speakers on the aft and fore deck. It is connected to the internet , so that there is an unlimited choice of musical programs. All the overhead lighting was completely upgraded to beautiful designer LED lights,in salons, halls and kitchen. The counter top in the kitchen was changed to green stone, the mahogany cabinets stripped and re-varnished, and a whole new water system installed. We bought a new Bosch dishwasher, washing machine, and 4 burner Bosch stainless steel gas range with oven. There is also a wall- mounted stainless steel microwave. In the kitchen there are two fridges with their freezers, one large and one small, and an independent small compartmentalized freezer. All appliances are in perfect working order. In he fore salon there is a small stainless steel built in fridge for drinks.

Below deck we completely upgraded and redecorated the six cabins. and the corridor. First we changed he wall-to-wall carpets and hall runner both as to the quality and to the color. The cabin ceilings are now soft beige-color imitation suede fabric a
1 100 000 €
Тип: Продаю
Автор: Наталья | Все объявления автора
Регист:Регист: с 28.08.2017 Зарегистрирован
Skype: natali34146
Дата: 28.10.2017 22:03
Номер: 1532346
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